Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Bitterness...kill it!

Bitterness. This is one thing I have a problem with. It doesnt harm anyone else but yourself.
It's amazing what bitterness can do to me. A human mind is very interesting. More than thinking of good things, it tends to think of the worse. The next second you know, you're just depressed, sad...for pretty much no reason at times. Why can't I just be cheerful to know that there is a God who cares and loves than no one else could ever do? I guess this is part of the human flesh. A constant fight with the flesh.

Every time I sit and think of the things that goes around my head, I am reminded of this verse.
"The heart is deceitful ablove all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?"
Jeremiah 17:9
I hate it...I pray for a pure heart, pure mind, and a pure love for others.
But God, I need your help...